November 18, 2021

Microsoft Loop - Quick Overview


At Ignite 2021, the most promising announcement was around Microsoft Loop. In this short blog, we will talk about what Microsoft Loop offers?

What is Microsoft Loop?

Microsoft Loop is a new app that combines powerful and flexible canvas with portable components that move freely and stay in sync across apps which enables teams to think, plan, and create together. Microsoft Loop consists of three elements.
  • Loop Components
  • Loop Pages
  • Loop Workspaces
Let’s explore more in detail!

Loop Components:

  • It’s an evolution of Fluid components
  • It can be as simple as lists, tables, notes, tasks, or as sophisticated as a customer sales opportunity from Microsoft Dynamics 365
  • It’s synced across all the apps – no matter which app you are using.
  • Examples: Maintain Tasks, Capturing Votes, Add Live Status from D365 Entities

Loop Pages:

  • Loop pages are flexible canvases where we can organize our components and pull in other useful elements like files, links, or data. 
  • Pages are optimized for thinking together and getting work done. 
  • People can add their ideas, collaborate, add reactions and take proper decisions.
  • Examples: Live Discussions for Project.

Loop Workspaces:

  • Loop workspaces are shared spaces that allow us and our team to see and group everything important to our project. 
  • Workspaces make it easy for us to catch up on what everyone is working on, react to others’ ideas, or track progress toward shared goals. 
  • Teams can collaborate synchronously or asynchronously whenever inspiration strikes. 



It’s the first look at Microsoft Loop! Excited for another announcement? Stay tuned! 

If you have any questions you can reach out our SharePoint Consulting team here.