October 30, 2013

Solution of the issue “field type is not installed properly. go to the list settings page to delete this field”

Problem :- “field type is not installed properly. go to the list settings page to delete this field”
Problem :- “field type is not installed properly. go to the list settings page to delete this field”
1.   Log In in SQL Server
2.   Select your appropriate database
3.   Go to query window and run following query.it will display all record which field have blank type.

   1:  Select Definition,* from dbo.ContentTypes where ISNULL(Definition,'0')<>'0' 
   2:   and Definition like '<Field Type=""%'
4.   Now run following query in your query window.it will delete all the site columns which field type is blank.

   1:  delete from dbo.ContentTypes where ISNULL(Definition,'0')<>'0' 
   2:   and Definition like '<Field Type=""%'
5.   Now check your site columns page URL (../_layouts/mngfield.aspx). Error will disappear.​

If you have any questions you can reach out our SharePoint Consulting team here.

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