While working with SharePoint Survey List and modifying items, we have encountered the following issue: When a user uses the “Export to Spreadsheet” function offered by SharePoint for Survey List, is not allowed to export more than 30 items, even if survey list contains more than 30 responses.
The survey list is a special list, and cannot add new view to it as we do for other lists or libraries, but we can modify the existing views because actually it uses list view web part.
To resolve, please follow below steps:
1. Open SharePoint Designer and click on “Open Site”.
2. Enter SharePoint Site URL (SharePoint Site that contains Survey List). This can be any - SharePoint On Premise OR SharePoint Online Site.
3. Click on “Open”.
1. In navigation section go to Lists and Libraries.
2. Navigate to survey list and click to open.
2. In pop-up menu select “Edit File in Advance Mode”.
While working with SharePoint Survey List and modifying items, we have encountered the following issue: When a user uses the “Export to Spreadsheet” function offered by SharePoint for Survey List, is not allowed to export more than 30 items, even if survey list contains more than 30 responses.
The survey list is a special list, and cannot add new view to it as we do for other lists or libraries, but we can modify the existing views because actually it uses list view web part.
To resolve, please follow below steps:
Step 1: Open SharePoint Site in SharePoint Designer
1. Open SharePoint Designer and click on “Open Site”.
2. Enter SharePoint Site URL (SharePoint Site that contains Survey List). This can be any - SharePoint On Premise OR SharePoint Online Site.
3. Click on “Open”.
Step 2: Navigate To Survey List In SharePoint Designer
1. In navigation section go to Lists and Libraries.
2. Navigate to survey list and click to open.
Step 3: Open View in Advance Mode
In navigation section go to Lists and Libraries,
1. Go to View Section and Right Click on View named “Overview”2. In pop-up menu select “Edit File in Advance Mode”.
Step 4: Modify Export Limit
1. Opening view in advance mode will open “overview.aspx” page in new tab.
2. In <XmlDefinition> tag go to <RowLimit> as highlighted in above image.
3. Change this tag to :
Default tag: <RowLimit Paged=”FALSE”>30</RowLimit>
Change tag to: <RowLimit Paged=”FALSE”>1000</RowLimit>
4. Than press “ctrl+s” to save page. This will change item limit 30 to 1000.Now, Export to Excel can be done for 1000 items. This item limit can be increase as per number of items in list.
Note: Item limit can be increased up to threshold limit of the list. Default limit for threshold is 5000.
So, this way we can export more than 30 items to spreadsheet from Survey List, too.
If you have any questions you can reach out our SharePoint Consulting team here.