In this article, I'll share important factors to be taken into considerations while working with JavaScript. This information will help you to prevent most common mistakes in web development.
Quick Tips
- Use === while comparing two variable instead of ==
- Remember undefined is not null
- Remember JavaScript falsy value: 0, '', NaN, null, undefined
- Remember JavaScript truthy value: '0', 'any string', [] (Empty array), {} (Empty object), 0 (any non-zero number)
- Always declare all variables at the beginning of every scope
- "use strict"; In JavaScript to avoid unwanted bug due to a variable.
- Avoid global variable declaration
- Reduce global variables e.g var name='abc', isValid=false; Should be written as var common={name:'abc', isValid:false};
- Always declare local variables
- Never declare Number, String or Boolean Objects ( e.g. Never use: new Number(1), new String("abc"), new Boolean() )
- Use {} instead of new Object()
- Use "" instead of new String()
- Use 0 instead of new Number()
- Use false instead of new Boolean()
- Use [] instead of new Array()
- Use /()/ instead of new RegExp()
- Use function (){} instead of new Function()
- Avoid Using eval()
- Don't use short hand (e.g Always use curly bracket with conditional operation)
- Place scripts at the Bottom of the page
- Declare variables outside of the loops and conditionals (such as if, for, while, switch and try)
- Properly comment your code
- Never pass a string to SetInterval and SetTimeOut. Instead, pass a function name
- Always, Always Use Semicolons
Reference Links
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