April 8, 2020

Get multiple List Items and send merged response to Power Apps through MS Flow

In this article, we will walkthrough on how to get items from multiple SharePoint Lists having the same list structure schema, combine the list items and send merged list items response to the Power Apps.

Real-Life Use-case and Scenario:
We have come across a scenario wherein we have one master list having the name of all child lists from where we need to fetch the data. Let’s say for an example –

We have a master list named “ABC MasterList”. The column called “ListNames” from the list has the information of the all child lists. Please see the below screen.

Now, we need to loop through on column – “ListNames” and find out the items from those lists. Let’s say in “ListNames” column if there are 2 lists name, then this will loop through those two lists, get all items from those lists and send the response back to the Power Apps. So, now let’s get started!!

Step 1: Create Flow with trigger action of Power Apps.  In the end, the flow will look like the below screen.

We need to initialize one variable in which we collect all the list items and send this variable to Power Apps response. We need to create one string variable “Items” as shown in the below image.

Step 2: Add an action called – “Get items from SharePoint list” to get all list names from the master list.

Step 3: Make an Http request to fetch the items from each list fetched from Step 2. Below is the overall looping step.

Now, let’s see each component.

Step 3.1: Click on the “Add an action” button.

Search “select”  in the search box and select the “Select” from Actions as shown in the below image.

Select the column which you want to send to the response.

Step 3.2: Click on the “Add an action” as shown in step 3.1. Select the “Join” from Actions as shown in the below image.

Join the output of “Select” with “\n” for separation.

Step 3.3: Append the “Output” to the string “Items”.

Step 4: Now, let’s send the response back to the Power Apps. Add Response Variable with the value assigned to it. And then send the above string variable to Power Apps response.

Now, let’s run and test the flow. Below is the test result.

Also, this is the value for the final variable which is returning to the Power Apps.

This is how we can fetch the data from the multiple lists having the same schema and send the final response back to the Power Apps.

If you have any questions you can reach out to our SharePoint Consulting team here.

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