December 23, 2020

How to change Internal name of Custom List OR Document Library in SharePoint Online


Recently, we have provided a build and guideline document to our client and by mistake they have set up a library name with in-correct internal name. In starting it worked well but as the additional functionality added, it broke. As the users have started working on that. So, we have to fix the internal name anyway on client environment.

Our library internal name is “TrainingDocuments” and display name is “Training Documents”. but Client has set up “Training Documents” as internal name and this was not correct.


Initially, I thought it might not be possible and have to delete the document library and re-create from scratch on client environment. But then I've found 2 different ways to fix that.

Approach 1: Using SharePoint Designer 2013

Follow below steps to fix the internal name using SharePoint Designer 2013:

  • In SharePoint Designer, Open your site.
  • Navigate to All Files navigation node (not List and Libraries node),
    Note – you will need “Site Collection Administrator” permission in the site collection to see “All Files” option.

  • Find your list there
  • Right-click list
  • Rename.

Approach 2 : Using PNP PowerShell

In case you are not able to connect the site in the SharePoint designer or you do not have installed in your machine, you can do this using PNP PowerShell as well.

Note - You will need Owner permission to run this PowerShell. 

PowerShell to change Library Name:

 #Set Parameters  
 $SiteURL = "Site URL"  
 $ListName = "Library Internal Name"  
 $NewListURL = "New Library Name"  
 Connect-PnPOnline -Url $SiteURL -Credentials (Get-Credential)  
 $List= Get-PnPList -Identity $ListName -Includes RootFolder  
 #this will change library title  
 Set-PnPList -Identity $ListName -Title $NewListURL  

PowerShell to change List Name:

 $SiteURL = "Site URL"  
 $ListName = "List Internal Name"  
 $NewListURL = "New List Name"  
 #Connect to PNP Online  
 Connect-PnPOnline -Url $SiteURL -Credentials (Get-Credential)  
 Set-PnPList -Identity $ListName -Title $NewListURL  
If you have any questions you can reach out our SharePoint Consulting team here.

December 21, 2020

How to Manage Item Level Permission with different Role Definitions using Power Automate?


In this blog, we will learn how to set item level permission on SharePoint List/Library using Power Automate with different role definitions. 


We have come across with a requirement wherein we need to apply item level permission to a specific SharePoint group with different role definitions. In OOTB Workflow, this is very simple and easy. With Power Automate how we can manage this? We will discuss this in this article.
Below are the steps we are going to automate here!

1. Break the current Item Permission
2. Get ID for our SharePoint Group
3. Assign Role definition for a specific item to our SharePoint Group 

Step 1: Break Current Item Permission

1. Add a new "Send an HTTP Request to SharePoint" action.

2. To add/replace the permission on an item level, we first need to Break the Permission Inheritance.

Site Address: Select the site in which the List/Library resides.
Method: POST
Uri:/_api/web/lists/getByTitle('[List/LibraryName]')/items[ItemID])/breakroleinheritance(copyRoleAssignments=false, clearSubscopes=true)

Here, parameter copyRoleAssignments = true/false. This specifies if we want to copy inherited permission or not. If set to true, then it will copy the inherited permission else it will remove all the users when breaking the inheritance.

Step 2: Get ID for our SharePoint Group

1. Add a new "Send an HTTP Request to SharePoint" action.
Site Address: Select the Site in which the group resides
Method: GET
Uri: /_api/Web/SiteGroups/GetByName('[Group Name]')?$select=Id

2. Parse JSON.

Add below JSON payload in “Schema” section.
   "type": "object",  
   "properties": {  
     "d": {  
       "type": "object",  
       "properties": {  
         "__metadata": {  
           "type": "object",  
           "properties": {  
             "id": {  
               "type": "string"  
             "uri": {  
               "type": "string"  
             "type": {  
               "type": "string"  
         "Id": {  
           "type": "integer"  

Step 3: Assign Role definition for a specific item to our SharePoint Group 

1. Add "Send an HTTP Request to SharePoint" for assigning the permission to the group/user we fetched in above step.

Site Address: Select the site in which the List/Library resides.
Method: POST
Uri: /_api/web/lists/getByTitle(‘SiteName’)/items([Item ID])/roleassignments/addroleassignment(principalid=[Id from Prase JSON step], roledefid=1073741829) 
Here, Roledefid = id for specific role. Roledefid for following roles are as below:
Full Control = 1073741829
Edit = 1073741830
Read = 1073741826

 For specific tenant if we want to find role definition id then use below URL:

API: "[Site URL]/_api/web/roledefinitions?$select=Name,Id" 

This will give you roledefid for following access rights:

Limited Access
Limited View
Limited Edit
View Only
Set the appropriate roledefid for the provided access roles.



This is how we can assign specific role definition to a specific group to maintain item level permission using Power Automate. 

If you have any questions you can reach out our SharePoint Consulting team here.

December 18, 2020

Binary Republik Proud to be Named a Global Leader on 2020 Clutch 1000!

Here at Binary Republik, we know it’s been a difficult year all around. Despite the conditions, we’re proud to report we’ve maintained our standards of quality and service as a leading Microsoft Technology Consulting company. We made sure that our clients had access to cutting edge technology and were able to get acclimated to a new normal.

As a wonderful way to wrap up the year, we’ve been featured in the Clutch 1000, an exclusive list of the top 1% of vendors on their platform. Clutch is a B2B market research authority that uses a one-of-a-kind ranking formula to identify key players in the services space.

We are thrilled to have been chosen as one of the top Microsoft Technology Consulting company and it proclaims our dedication and quality of the work we deliver to Microsoft ISVs, MSPs, MVPs, and more - Jaldeep Patel, Global Director, Binary Republik

We couldn’t have earned this award without the help of our wonderful clients. Take a look at some of
the kind words they had to share about our work when interviewed by the Clutch team:

“The most impressive aspect of Binary Republik was the size of both their team and their knowledgebase. Many firms only specialized in custom development or system architecture. Other firms didn't have an expert for every subject, but with Binary Republik we knew that someone on their team would be able to help us find an answer. Because of their size, they are also able to get back to us quickly while still maintaining genuine communication and professional relationship.”
                                                            – Web Applications Developer, Community College

“Binary has a great team that is focused on helping customers to solve their problems. They come to the table with an open mind and give realistic honest solutions and suggestions. They estimate and on-time delivery is unmatched”
                                                             – VP of Product & Engineering, Inkriti

“Like many companies, we've had varying degrees of success with offshore & outsourcing, especially outside Europe. However, Binary Republik displayed none of the negative aspects typically experienced with offshore vendors whilst remaining significantly more competitive than onshore vendor partners.”
                                                             – Product Manager, Education Services Company

We’re honored to be recognized by Clutch and our clients, and look forward to even more success in
2021! If you’re new to Binary Republik, contact us today to learn more about our award-winning
strategy and how it can help fuel your success in the new year!

December 9, 2020

How to Import and Export a SharePoint List or Library Template and use it in a SharePoint site.

In this blog, we will learn how to create a new list/library using an existing list/library as a template. SharePoint provides a feature to Import/Export a List/Library. We can use these features to make a new List/Library to the same or different SharePoint site within the domain. 

First, we will start by exporting a List/Library as a List Template.

Export a List/Library as a Template:
Here are detailed steps for exporting a List/Library as a List Template.

Step 1:
  • To create a List/Library Template, first of all, we have to navigate to List Settings where we will be able to see all permissions and management features for that list.
  • Select the “Save list as template” feature under the “Permissions and Management” section.

Note: If this feature is not visible then we need to activate the “custom script” option which can be activated by the SharePoint Administrator user only.

Step 2:

  • Inside the “Save as a template” section, we have to provide a file name, template name, and template description.
  • There is a checkbox for the "include content" option, if we want to include the content of the list then we can check this option as true, it will generate a template of the list with its content, but it will increase the template size also. The default size limit for saving a list/library template with its content is 50 MB only.

  •  After Clicking on “OK” it will show the below screen.
  • If the list/library template with the same name already exists within the site, then we will get a “template already exists” error. Then, in that case, we need to update the template name and save the template again and it will save the template successfully.

Step 3:

  • We will be able to view our newly created template in the “List template Gallery” under Site Settings of the site.
  • We can download this template by clicking on it.
  • List/library template files will be having the .stp file extension.

Import List/Library Template to a site:

Here are detailed steps for importing a List/Library template to a site.

Step 1: To import a List/Library Template navigate to the site settings and then select the “List Templates” option from there as shown below.

Step 2: 

  • We will upload the list templates here.

  • By clicking on the "Upload Document" button it will open the "Add a template" pop-up as shown below. 

  • Provide the name and title as required and save it. 

  • We can use this template to create a new list/library.


  • For the template having look-up columns, these columns will get created successfully for the sites within the same domain, but for cross-domain sites, we have to perform the manual steps for creating these lookup columns.

  • For the template having self lookup columns, we will have to perform the manual steps for creating those columns as they do not get created properly. This condition applies for the both, same/cross domain sites.

Using a List/Library Template in a SharePoint Site:

  • You will be able to create a new list/library using your saved list templates which you have imported. These list/library templates will appear in the other app section. You can select your template as required and create a list/library.


This is how we can create a new list/library based on the existing list/library structures. Hope this will help you. Good day!

If you have any questions you can reach out our SharePoint Consulting team here.

December 8, 2020

Resolved: [Something went wrong.] SharePoint Modern SPFx web part is not rendering in Internet Explorer 11 browser


Recently working with Modern SPFx web part, we were facing issue specific to only IE11 browser and the same web-part is rendered correctly in Chrome, Firefox, Edge, and Safari browsers.


We were getting error - “Something went wrong” only in IE11 browser.

We tried to debug the written code using console and have addressed multiple errors like “undefined” and “syntax errors” by adding polyfill JS and fixed those issues, but still getting the same issue in IE 11.

After detailed analysis of the code, we have found that SPFx generates class in backend JS (ES6) as you can see in the below screenshot.

What is ES6?

ES6 refers to version 6 of the ECMA (European Computer Manufacturers Association) Script programming language. ECMA Script is the standardized name for JavaScript, and version 6 is the next version after version 5, which was released in 2011. It is a major enhancement to the JavaScript language, and adds many more features intended to make large-scale software development easier.

ECMAScript, or ES6, was published in June 2015. It was subsequently renamed to ECMAScript 2015. Web browser support for the full language is not yet completed, though major portions are supported. So, All major web browsers support some features of ES6. However, it is possible to use software known as a transpire to convert ES6 code into ES5, which has better supported on mostly all browsers.

Root cause:

This Modern SPFx web part generates ES6 features keyword like class, arrows, Destructuring, Unicode, promises, let, const, etc. Those ES6 features do not support in IE11 browser.


In our SPFx web-part solution, we have “tsconfig.json” file and In that file, we have “target” property in “compilerOptions” object. We have set value “es6” in the “target” property. Thus, SPFx generates class, arrows, unicode, const, etc. keywords according to ES6 feature and those are not supported in IE 11 browser.

To resolve this issue, we need to downgrade “target” property from “es6” to “es5” value in “complierOptions” object.

After doing this change in “tsconfig.json” file, rebuild the web-part and deploy latest package on App catalog. SPFx webpart will be working in IE 11 browser.

Below table shows which browser supports which ECMAScript feature.


ES5 (Browser Version)

ES6 (Browser Version)

ES7 (Browser Version)


Yes (23)

Yes (23)

Yes (68)


Yes (21)

Yes (54)



Yes (9*)




Yes (10)

Yes (14)



Yes (6)

Yes (10)



Yes (15)

Yes (38)

Yes (55)

If you have any questions you can reach out our SharePoint Consulting team here.

December 3, 2020

Power Automate | Steps to manually trigger a flow from a SharePoint Library OR List


In this blog, we will learn how we can manually trigger a Power Automate workflow on any SharePoint List Item or Document. The flow will be triggered whenever the user needs any action to be carried out.

Following are the detailed steps to create a flow. 

Step 1:  Create a new flow by clicking Create and select Instant flow. The instant flows are the one those are manually triggered.


Step 2:  Provide a name to the Flow and specify the trigger action you want to carry out. For the given example, we have chosen for a selected file trigger for a SharePoint file.

Step 3:  For the Action, mention the Site Address and Library Name where you want the Flow to be executed.


Step 4:  Select an action you want to perform for the Flow and then Save it. For this example, we have added a Send an email action along with it. So it would send a mail every time the flow runs.


Now, to execute the flow through SharePoint Library, Follow the below steps for a selected file.

Go to the SharePoint Library you've mentioned while creating the Flow.

Step 1:  Click the Ellipse button on any file in Library.


Step 2:  Select Automate and select the flow that we've created.


Step 3: Select Run Flow.


If you have any questions you can reach out our SharePoint Consulting team here.

December 2, 2020

How to clear Office UI Fabric multi-select dropdown in SPFx webpart with React Framework?


We implemented a webpart using SharePoint Framework (SPFx) that includes the filter functionality. As per the requirement, we have one dropdown that allows multiple options selection for filter functionality. Now when user clicks on the "Clear Filter" button, it should clear the selection of options from the dropdown.

Below is our dropdown control with multiple items selection:
  onChanged={(val) => currentObj.filterData(val)}           

  • dropdownOptions state contains all the options which will be display in multi select dropdown control.
  • selectedOptions is the state which contains the options which are currently selected.

Problem Statement:

  • When we select the values from the multi-select dropdown control, we pass those values to defaultSelectedKeys parameter of the multi-dropdown control to show the selected values. 
  • But when we clear the value of the state which we are using in defaultSelectedKeys parameter(selectedOptions state in our scenario), it does not clear the selection of multi-select dropdown.


  • To resolve this issue, we need to use the "key" parameter of the office fabric UI dropdown control and set the unique number as the value on click event of the "Clear Filter" button.
  • Using a new value for key parameter means, it renders fresh control each time.
  • Here, we use randomIndex state to set a new key value to generate a random number. Below is an example to use key attribute:
  onChanged={(val) => currentObj.filterData(val)}     
  • Now, when user clicks the "Clear Filter" button, it will update randomIndex state and set a new random number as its value.
  • Here, we are using Math.floor and Math.random()  function to generate random numbers.
 private async clearFields() {  
      await this.setState({    
          randomIndex: Math.floor(Math.random() * 6) + 1          


This is how we can clear the value of multi-select dropdownlist in SharePoint Framework (SPFx).

If you have any questions you can reach out our SharePoint Consulting team here.